Slow the flow
Grow for future generations.
Beyond Regenerative
Responsibly sourced products designed to revitalize wetlands while preserving peatbogs as carbon sinks.

This is Typha
An aquatic plant considered a true champion at naturally cleaning and filtering freshwater.
We are bringing balance to neglected aquatic ecosystems by harvesting typha to improve water quality and biodiversity habitat.
Sustainable harvesting is seen as a form of beneficial disturbance practice that ensures nutrient uptake and removal.
Phyto-Mining Paludiculture
(Phyto: Greek for plants) (Paludi: Lating for Swamp)
Typha plants naturally filter nutrient runoff before it makes its way downstream to freshwater lakes and leading to algal blooms.
Harvesting Typha plans, traps and removes surplus nutrients from the waterway.
Nutrients are recycled by transforming the plant material for our products.
Ecosystem Benefits

Reducing nutrients = Fewer algal blooms

Higher biodiversity through waterfowl habitat creation

Boosts water protection, mitigates floods & droughts

Healthier wetlands that emit less methane and sequester more carbon

Turning the terrain to our favour
Rebuilding the lost of natural infrastructure to ensure local climate change adaptation and mitigation.
*Aerial image of Netley-Libau Marsh, largest freshwater coastal wetland in North America.*
Typha Harvesting Regimen
With our partners, we have embraced whole-crop agronomy practices that transform parts of the plant to replace non-renewable and fossil fuel-derived materials in everyday products.
We restore marginal landscapes into thriving ecosystems that clean water, sequester carbon, and are managed to create abundant wildlife habitat and minimize methane emissions and draining of peat mines.
Natural fibers are harvested intact in late summer-fall. Longer fibres from the stem and leaves are used for horticulture and packaging applications. Shorter fibres from the seed are carefully separated for technical textile applications, while the plant’s rhizome (roots) are left untouched to ensure winter survival.
Our proprietary processing technology first cleans then refines the fibres to various to meet a range of industry-specific requirements. Delivers superior yields, minimizes energy consumption, and reduces environmental impact — setting a new standard for sustainable innovation. Typha fiber yield is high, 3-5 times that of flax and 2-3 times that of hemp since fibres are found in all parts of the aboveground shoot.
With the support of our value-chain partners, we are replacing our reliance on extracting non-renewable and fossil fuel-derived materials with our bio-based fibres. Our circular production model is driven forward by collaboration and weaved in a novel agro-ecological paradigm that fosters restoration and conservation rather than resource depletion.
Designed to protect and benefit the plant at each stage of our product lifecycle. Our biodegradable fibers directly contribute to cleaning freshwater, eliminating waste while enhancing soil health.
Key Principles of Paludiculture
Use wild, naturally occurring plants, eliminating seed and input costs (pesticides, herbicides, fertilizer, etc).
Prioritize land with low or no economic opportunity cost, ensuring it does not compete with arable farmland.
Establish self-regenerating plant ecosystems that do not require replanting or intensive management as well as monitoring.
Utilize the land for multiple services, including water filtration, carbon sequestration, biodiversity habitat, and recreation.